Saturday 9 February 2013

Boarding Greats: Revenge of The Pennyfeathers

Boarding Greats: Revenge of The Pennyfeathers

Nathan, Justin and Daphne return to the St.Willows Institution for their second form there. Many of the classmates, including Irene and Lionel have returned, but some like Jazz and Handel have not. This term there are three new students to the term- Saunders and his elder brother Karl Pennyfeather together with a girl named Ellen Fawkes.

The term starts off perfectly fine without any strange occurrences. Their history master, Mr Hopkins begins to tell them about the Pennylegs, a wealthy family who became poor after their three sons, Shaun, Kiry and Sam were rejected entry into many schools. Soon after, they died due to unforeseen circumstances till today has not found out. That night, in the teacher dormitory Mr Hopkins dies. He is found to be poisoned when the police found his body.

Saunders begins to treat Lionel well and Lionel begins to drift away from Justin and Nathan as well as Daphne and Irene. Over the summer, Lionel and Irene have developed a blossoming romance and now they are dating. Irene does not see any harm in Lionel befriending Saunders, so she just agrees.

The murder of Mr.Hopkins has an effect on the school, leading to rumors that he was murdered. However, Miss Ariana brushes this away, stating that rumors are not real and the school is conducting a thorough investigation into his death.

Ellen Fawkes, the other new student in the second form is introduced as a quiet and simple girl. She is also bright and hardworking. She and Nathan share a bond together, and Nathan introduces her to his friends. They like her and accept her into the group as a replacement for Lionel.

Saunders and Lionel develop a healthy friendship, much to the annoyance of Justin- and Karl. Karl is frustrated because of Saunders' dominance even though Karl is elder than him. The second form is given a shock when Mr.James, their Maths master of Form Two tells them that a robbery occurred in the sanatorium in the school. Mr.James also tells them that the robber escaped with a big amount of cash and this time, a student! A sixth-former named Catherine Jones. Justin, Nathan and Daphne are shocked. So are Irene and Ellen. The school try to keep this under control, but Justin  overhears Mr.Ariana saying to some of the staff that she is crumbling under pressure as she has to handle two mysteries of the school.Justin  is shocked to hear this and rushes to tell Nathan and Daphne. But he sees Karl on the way, and decides to talk to him instead.

Karl tells Nathan about his frustration of Saunders' dominance. Justin sympathizes with Karl and tells him that he will tell the head of the form, Timmy. He rushes to the common room to meet Timmy, where he forgets all about Miss Ariana’s words.

At dinner a week later, Miss Robinson announces to the second-formers that Daniel, a third-former complained saying that he saw a person walking in the corridors. Thinking that it was a ghost, he runs and checks the dorms, and that's where he found out someone from the second form was out of bed after seeing only 14/15 beds occupied. The school authorities say that they will investigate this matter. Daphne begins to worry about the safety of the school. She talks to Nathan and Justin about it, but they brush it off.

Felix Allen, a smart girl in Form 2 loves teasing Daphne as she thinks that Daphne is dumb. While teasing Daphne in the grounds, she is attacked violently by a mysterious stranger as Daphne tries to leave. Daphne is shocked and tries to save her. The assaulter escapes, but some students and teachers have arrived after hearing some shrieks. They all think that Daphne is guilty and Miss Ariana states that she will deal with her in a while.

Daphne is scolded and returns to the common room. The second-formers have heard about the affair and are shocked. Daphne pleads her innocence to Nathan and Justin, but they do not believe her. Saunders and Ellen together with Irene believe that she is innocent, and they try to comfort her. However, Daphne receives a notice from the school that she has been expelled after breakfast the next day. She tries to appeal, but Miss Ariana, who is mortified at the thought that her favourite student Daphne could do such things, does not listen to her. At half-term, Daphne is taken away by her parents, Mr and Mrs Peterson.

The second half of the term soon begins two weeks later without any incident. However, it is dampened after Saunders fights with Miss Robinson for giving 5 demerit points and a double detention for disobeying two fifth-formers who are prefects. Miss Robinson is hurt after Saunders storms off without notice. She leaves the class too and goes to her own room. The second formers are shocked, especially
Lionel. He finds Saunders in the common room after dinner, and he takes him to the dorm for a talk.

Lionel asks Saunders how he could have the guts to yell at Miss Robinson and leave her class without notice. Saunders, thinking that Lionel is over-concerned, tells Lionel that Miss Robinson is an ass and she will always be. Lionel becomes angry and tells him to watch his words. Saunders refuses to listen, instead taunting Lionel as a teacher's dog (pet). Lionel becomes hurt and ends his friendship with Saunders. He then storms out of the place.

While this is going on, Nathan is walking to the headmistress' office. He then talks to Miss Ariana about Daphne's expulsion. Miss Ariana, refusing to believe Daphne's innocence, tells Nathan that she would not wish to have any more words about the matter. Nathan protests, but she silences him. He walks out, having admitted defeat.

While walking back to the common-room, Nathan notices Lionel sitting on a bench. He joins him and asks him what the matter is. Lionel tells him about Saunders' behavior. Nathan, having snapped after the talk to Miss Ariana, unexpectedly scolds Lionel as he is very angry. He tells Lionel that Justin and the rest had told him to not befriend Saunders, but he didn't want to listen. Nathan leaves. Lionel is shocked and hurt. He then leaves.

Nathan returns to the common room, where he sees Ellen. Ellen goes to him and manages to cool him down. Ellen tells him about her discovery.

She discovered that the mysterious person behind the strange events this term had been spotted in the library a few nights ago. A first-former, Heffy told her about the discovery and she decided to find out whether it was true. She found out that night, Karl and Saunders were out of their beds! That means they were the ones. Nathan is shocked to hear this. Ellen tells him that they need to go to the library and find out whether it is true. Nathan agrees and decides to follow.

Meanwhile, Irene has finished her extra coaching session with Miss Summers and is walking back to the common-room when she sees a mysterious figure in the shadows. She decides to follow him and know his identity once and for all.

Ellen and Nathan are reading in the library when the door is flung open. They are shocked, thinking that it is a teacher and decide to hide. It is actually Saunders and Karl who have come to meet them.

Miss Summers sees a mysterious figure, just like Irene walking in the shadows. She is shocked to see a body there and recognizes it as Catherine Jones. The school then declares a murderer on the loose, and all students must stay in their common-rooms. Justin and Lionel notice that Nathan, Ellen, Irene, Saunders and Karl are not present in the common-room. They try to find them, but Miss Robinson denies them.

Ellen and Nathan are scared stiff. They are even more scared when Karl brings Irene in. Saunders reveals that he and Karl enrolling in the school was a ploy from the start. Saunders also tells them that he is Shaun Pennyfeathers, the student who was expelled from the school years ago, while Karl is Kiry. Nathan and Ellen are shocked! So is Irene. But Irene can't say anything as she is tied up. Saunders orders Karl to tie Nathan and Ellen up, before revealing anything else.

Meanwhile back in the dormitory, Justin and Lionel are trying to figure out where are the five. Lionel's sharp thinking makes them able to deduce Saunders and Karl guilty and they rush to tell Miss Robinson about it.

Saunders reveals the happenings of this term and it's reasons: (he means both of them)
•Mr.Hopkins' death was because he knew that they were Shaun and Kiry.
•The robbery was done to spice things up and make it clear that it was not an inside job.
•He was walking around at night to think about ways to kill more people.
•He attacked Felix as she managed to find her golden brooch stolen by him. She wanted to confront him, but he assaulted her. He ran away and hid by one of the doors and waited for the crowd, where he easily blended in.
•He killed Catherine Jones because if she was alive, she would have spilt the beans and escaped.

Nathan, Ellen and Irene are shocked to hear this. At that time, the library door opens and three more figures enter. Ellen tries to untie Irene but Saunders gets there first and attacks her. A fight between the Pennyfeathers and the students begin.

Justin, Lionel and Miss Robinson
are trying to find the five together with Mr.Jones, but are unsuccessful in their attempts. Suddenly, they hear a faint sound in the distance. They try to find it, and learn that it is Fransisco Saulter, a fourth-former who is injured very badly. Miss Robinson and Mr.Jones are forced to attend to him, leaving Justin and Lionel to continue in their search.

Meanwhile in the library, the duel is going on. Nathan, with his karate skills tries to defeat Saunders, but his brother, Samwise overpowers him. Sandra and Kilata take a knife and try to stab unguarded Ellen, but a mysterious figure stops them. That is actually Justin, who has found them together with Lionel. He manages to steal the knife and sends Kilata flying across the room. With his phone, Lionel tries to contact the police and Miss Ariana.

While everyone is distracted, Karl slowly tries to stab Irene, but Nathan is aware. Karl immediately puts the knife inside her and stabs her before he can react. Ellen however manages to take her away, and before Karl can do anything the police arrive. Saunders and Karl together with a unconscious Kilata are arrested, but Sandra and Samwise have escaped unfortunately.

Irene is severely injured following Karl's attack and she is brought on the stretcher to the sanatorium. Nathan, Ellen, Justin and Lionel are very sad to see their  friend injured. Miss Ariana tells them to get some sleep and she will see them tomorrow.

The next day, Miss Ariana has a surprise for them- Daphne has returned to school. She apologizes to Nathan for believing in Saunders instead of him. Nathan accepts her apology, but he is given a shock when Miss Ariana informs him that she is no longer the headmistress of St. Willows as she resigned the previous night. She tells the six of them that they must keep persevering and hope for good things to happen. Miss
 Ariana then leaves her study. What the six of them don’t know is that she has left the school and she is going to visit Saunders.
Saunders is crying to himself when Miss Ariana arrives with a prison guard outside his cell. She begins to have a talk to him. Saunders is angry at first but he cools down and begins pouring out the whole story to her. When he finally finishes, Miss Ariana tells him that he had the potential of a good student and that was why he was accepted into St. Willows this year. She also tells him that she knew that he was Shaun Pennyfeather, but she still accepted him because she wanted him to have a good life. But now, [she says] all the hopes she put into him were wasted and killed by his evilness. Saunders tries to apologise, but Miss Ariana tells him that she will never ever have any contact with him and tells him that he deserves this punishment.
Meanwhile, Nathan, Justin, Lionel, Irene and Ellen have been waiting in Miss Ariana’s office for her return but she has not returned. They are about to leave when they see Miss Robinson entering. Miss Robinson tells them that the five of them are heroes of the school as they managed to save the school from utter destruction from Saunders and Karl. Miss Robinson tells them that she is very, very proud of the behaviour. The five of them are very pleased. Miss Robinson’s mood however changes when she learns about Miss Ariana’s resignation.
News of Miss Ariana’s resignation spreads around the school fast, and the teachers are wondering who will be the next headmistress or headmaster. As the end of the term is approaching, the second form is given a wonderful surprise when Daphne Peterson returns to school. Miss Robinson explains that since Miss Summers, the history-mistress has been made temporary headmistress, she decided to reverse Miss Ariana’s decision after learning about Saunders and Karl. However, Daphne learns about the “Saunders Affair”, as everyone calls it through Nathan and Will.
The last day of the term fast approaches and the students become busy packing their stuff to return home for the summer holidays. Nathan and Justin discuss about the things about the Saunders Affair and Miss Ariana’s resignation. Justin hopes that the new head will be better than Miss Ariana. Ellen, Irene, Lionel and Daphne find them near the gardens and tell them that it is time to go back. The six of them say goodbye before parting ways, hoping that they will see each other in the third form next fall. However, fate is strange and one of them will hit misfortunes this summer…………

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