Wednesday 24 April 2013

friday the 13th

“Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.” The sound of the 20-year old clock ringing was the sound that was heard around the living room of the Parkers.
It was Friday, August 13, 1982 in the quiet and tranquil suburbs of West Area in Vince City. Everyone was in their own homes as the fear of Friday the 13th hit the neighbourhood once again. Even the Parkers were, much to the surprise of the neighbourhood. The Parkers were usually out of the house during the weekends; but this time they decided not to go out. And it was this day where they met their demise.
At half-past ten he arrived. Rain splashed on the steps as he tip-toed and peeped into the window, where he saw the Parkers having a great time. How he wished he could have too, with a wife and a few kids. But no one wanted to marry 

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